8月5日,Wiltshire警察用雾灯拦住了一辆没有保险的座位车,车头灯有缺陷。5th August, Wiltshire Police stopped an uninsured Seat car with a defective headlight using fog lights.
8月5日,Wiltshire警察的公路警察分队在25mph的双车道上拦截了一辆座位上的汽车,车头灯有缺陷,使用雾灯。5th August, Wiltshire Police's Roads Policing Unit stopped a Seat car at 25mph on a dual carriageway with a defective headlight using fog lights.司机没有投保。Driver was uninsured.Wiltshire专家行动在Twitter上报告了这一事件。The incident was reported by Wiltshire Specialist Operations on Twitter.