8名水肺潜水员在开普敦Oudekraal海滩遭到海豹袭击; 2名妇女住院。 8 scuba divers were attacked by a seal at Oudekraal Beach, Cape Town; 2 women hospitalized.
一群 8 名潜水员在开普敦 Oudekraal 海滩附近海域遭到海豹袭击,造成多人受伤,其中包括两名妇女住院治疗。 A group of 8 scuba divers were attacked by a seal in waters off Oudekraal Beach, Cape Town, leaving several injured, including two women hospitalized. 这名葡萄牙妇女需要治疗刺伤,而这位南非妇女则被建议寻求抗生素、狂犬病和破伤风治疗作为预防措施。 The Portuguese woman required treatment for puncture wounds and the South African woman was advised to seek antibiotics, rabies, and tetanus treatment as a precaution. 其他潜水员受轻伤。 Other divers sustained minor injuries.