由于请愿人缺席,尼日利亚众议院驳回了针对 NPA MD 的 1780 亿奈拉坏账请愿书。 Nigerian House of Representatives dismisses N178bn bad debt petition against NPA MD due to petitioner's absence.
尼日利亚众议院驳回了一项指控 NPA 董事总经理贝洛·科科 (Bello Koko) 在 2019 年经审计的财务报告中欠下 1,780 亿奈拉坏账的请愿书。 The Nigerian House of Representatives dismissed a petition accusing NPA Managing Director, Bello Koko, of a N178bn bad debt in the 2019 audited financial report. 尼日利亚非政府组织论坛提交了请愿书,但未能出席公开听证会,导致因缺乏证据而被驳回。 The Forum of Non-Governmental Organisations in Nigeria filed the petition but failed to appear at the public hearing, leading to the dismissal for lack of merit. 这标志着请愿人第六次没有出现在委员会面前。 This marks the sixth time the petitioner has not appeared before the committee.