加纳议会委员会驳回了对一位部长提名人的请愿,认为这项请愿不重要。 Ghana's Parliament committee dismissed a petition against a ministerial nominee, deeming it unsubstantial.
加纳议会任命委员会驳回了对约翰·德拉马尼·马哈马总统部长级提名人之一的请愿书,称其缺乏实质内容。 The Appointments Committee of Parliament in Ghana dismissed a petition against one of President John Dramani Mahama's ministerial nominees, stating it lacked substance. Bernard Ahiafor主席说,请愿书侧重于提名本身,而不是审查过程,因此不属于委员会的审查范围。 Chairman Bernard Ahiafor said the petition focused on the nomination itself, not the vetting process, and thus fell outside the committee's review. 经审查后,委员会发现该请愿没有重大价值。 After examination, the committee found the petition had no significant value.