由于担心阿联酋支持的收购,前保守党内阁部长福赛思勋爵呼吁禁止外国政府拥有英国报纸。 Former Tory Cabinet minister Lord Forsyth calls for a ban on foreign governments owning British newspapers due to concerns over UAE-backed takeovers.
前保守党内阁部长福赛斯勋爵呼吁禁止外国政府拥有英国报纸,因为他担心阿联酋支持的收购《电讯报》和《旁观者报》的提议。 Former Tory Cabinet minister Lord Forsyth calls for a ban on foreign governments owning British newspapers due to concerns over the proposed UAE-backed takeover of The Telegraph and The Spectator. 福赛思勋爵援引阿联酋在审查制度和社论影响力方面的不良记录,认为政府有责任维护新闻自由,使其不受不当影响。 Citing the UAE's poor record on censorship and editorial influence, Lord Forsyth believes it is the government's duty to uphold a free press not subject to undue influence. 比斯顿的斯托威尔男爵夫人提交了《数字市场、竞争和消费者法案》修正案,以防止外国政府未经批准购买新闻媒体机构。 Baroness Stowell of Beeston has submitted an amendment to the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill to prevent foreign governments from buying news media organisations without approval.