学生带枪到默特尔比奇中学;霍里县学校董事会重新评估安全措施,考虑武器检测系统和额外人员。 Student brings gun to Myrtle Beach Middle School; Horry County School Board reevaluates security measures, considering weapons detection systems and additional staff.
在南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇中学一名学生携带枪支后,霍里县学校董事会正在重新评估其安全措施,考虑增加武器检测系统,并在每所初中和高中至少雇用一名额外的安全人员。 Following a student bringing a gun to Myrtle Beach Middle School in South Carolina, the Horry County School Board is reevaluating its security measures, considering adding weapons detection systems and hiring at least one additional security staff member at every middle and high school. 该事件导致家长建议进行这些安全升级,一些地区已经实施了类似的检测系统。 The incident has led parents to suggest these security upgrades, with some districts already implementing similar detection systems.