在Walhalla高中发现一把枪之后,一名学生被开除并拘留。 A student was expelled and taken into custody after a gun was found at Walhalla High School.
在南卡罗来纳州Walhalla高中,发现一名学生持枪被拘押,导致根据州法律将其驱逐一年。 A student at Walhalla High School in South Carolina was found with a gun and has been taken into custody, leading to their expulsion for a year under state law. 另一名学生向学校资源官员报告了这一情况。 The situation was reported by another student to the school resource officer. 没有关于威胁或伤害的报告,而且今天学校还有更多的执法工作。 No threats or injuries were reported, and additional law enforcement is present at the school today. 当局对报告这一事件的学生表示赞扬。 Authorities praised the student who reported the incident.