由于发现了死亡威胁语音邮件,前官员罗伯特·泰勒斯对记者杰夫·日耳曼谋杀案的审判可能会被推迟。 Ex-official Robert Telles' trial for journalist Jeff German's murder may be delayed due to a discovered death threat voicemail.
被指控谋杀拉斯维加斯记者杰夫·日耳曼的前当选官员罗伯特·泰勒斯可能会因在谋杀前七个月向日耳曼发送的死亡威胁语音邮件而推迟对他的审判。 Robert Telles, the ex-elected official accused of murdering Las Vegas journalist Jeff German, may see his trial delayed due to the discovery of a death threat voicemail sent to German seven months before his murder. 在德国人的手机上发现的语音信箱中包含着不属于泰勒斯的高音调。 The voicemail, found on German's phone, contains a high-pitched voice not belonging to Telles. 辩护律师罗伯特·德拉科维奇正在考虑要求继续审理,以进一步探讨语音邮件威胁。 Defense attorney Robert Draskovich is considering asking for a continuance in the trial to further explore the voicemail threat.