审判Riad Bauchaker, 被控企图杀害学童, 被推迟到2月26日。 Trial of Riad Bouchaker, accused of attempting to kill schoolchildren, postponed until February 26th.
Riad Bouchaker 被指控去年 11 月在都柏林企图谋杀三名学童并袭击一名护理人员,他的审判已被推迟。 The trial of Riad Bouchaker, accused of attempting to murder three schoolchildren and assaulting a care worker in Dublin last November, has been postponed. 拖延的原因是律师在等待神经心理学家的报告,现在的审判预计将于2月26日更新。 The delay is due to lawyers awaiting a report from a neuropsychologist, with the trial now expected to be updated on February 26th. Bouchaker面临包括谋杀未遂和持有武器在内的指控。 Bouchaker faces charges including attempted murder and weapon possession.