Richard Allen的律师引用新的证据和错误, 试图推翻他对2017年印第安纳州谋杀案的定罪。 Richard Allen's lawyers seek to overturn his conviction for the 2017 murders in Indiana, citing new evidence and errors.
Richard Allen的律师因2017年在印第安纳州德尔菲谋杀Libby German和Abby Williams而被定罪,他提出动议推翻对他的定罪。 Lawyers for Richard Allen, convicted of the 2017 murders of Libby German and Abby Williams in Delphi, Indiana, have filed a motion to overturn his conviction. 他们辩称,本案存在错误,包括虚假证词、另一名嫌疑人的供认、手机证据问题和事件时间表。 They argue that there were errors in the case, including false testimony, a confession by another suspect, and issues with cellphone evidence and the timeline of events. Allen被判处130年徒刑。 Allen was sentenced to 130 years in prison. 辩方还指出了2017年去世的财产所有人Ron Logan的供词。 The defense also points to a confession by the property owner, Ron Logan, who died in 2017.