BC省省长David Eby在立法机关就历史上虐待Doukhobor儿童的行为道歉,并拨款1000万加元帮助和防止类似事件发生。 BC Premier David Eby apologizes in the legislature for historical mistreatment of Doukhobor children, allocates $10 million to help and prevent similar occurrences.
公元前 B.C. 州长戴维·伊比 (David Eby) 在维多利亚州议会正式向杜霍博尔 (Doukhobor) 宗教团体的成员道歉,其中包括 70 多年前被强行从父母身边带走的儿童。 Premier David Eby has officially apologized in the Victoria legislature to members of the Doukhobor religious community, including children who were forcibly taken from their parents more than 70 years ago. 这些孩子们被安置在教育设施中,其中包括新丹佛市的一家前结核病疗养院,他们在那里受到身体和心理上的虐待。 The children were placed in educational facilities, including a former tuberculosis sanatorium in New Denver, where they were physically and psychologically mistreated. 该省认识到造成的伤害“影响了几代人”,并拨款 1000 万加元帮助那些因这些历史错误而受到伤害的人,并防止类似事件发生。 The province recognizes the harm caused has "echoed for generations" and is allocating $10 million to help those hurt by these historical wrongs and prevent similar occurrences.