中远海运、达飞轮船、长荣海运和东方海外等亚洲和欧洲主要航运公司将其海洋联盟船舶共享协议延长至2032年。 Major Asian and European shipping lines, including Cosco Shipping, CMA CGM, Evergreen, and Orient Overseas Container Line, extend their Ocean Alliance vessel-sharing agreement until 2032.
中远海运、达飞轮船、长荣海运和东方海外等亚洲和欧洲主要航运公司已同意将最初于 2017 年建立的海洋联盟船舶共享协议延长至 2032 年。 Major Asian and European shipping lines, including Cosco Shipping, CMA CGM, Evergreen, and Orient Overseas Container Line, have agreed to extend their Ocean Alliance vessel-sharing agreement, initially established in 2017, until 2032. 此次延期旨在确保这些公司在运力过剩、低运价以及近期商船遭受袭击等挑战中能够继续为客户提供稳定可靠的服务。 The extension aims to ensure the companies can continue offering stable and reliable services to customers amidst challenges such as overcapacity, low freight rates, and recent attacks on merchant vessels. 该联盟涵盖连接亚洲与北欧、地中海、中东和北美海岸的七条主要东西向航线。 The alliance covers the seven main East-West routes linking Asia with Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the coasts of North America.