为什么美联社不使用“推定提名人”来形容特朗普、拜登。 Why AP isn’t using ‘presumptive nominee’ to describe Trump, Biden.
美联社 (AP) 并未对乔·拜登和唐纳德·特朗普使用“推定提名人”一词,尽管他们在民意调查中领先,并且迄今为止以大幅优势赢得了每场竞选。 The Associated Press (AP) doesn't use the term "presumptive nominee" for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, even though they're leading in the polls and have won every contest so far by large margins. 美联社只有在候选人获得了在全国政党代表大会上赢得多数票所需的代表后才使用该称号,而这要等到更多州投票后才会发生。 The AP only uses the designation once a candidate has secured the needed delegates to win a majority vote at the national party conventions, which won't happen until after more states vote. 特朗普最早可以在3月12日获得提名,而拜登则可以在3月19日获得提名。 The earliest Trump could clinch the nomination is March 12, while for Biden it's March 19.