哈里斯堡贝尔维尤塔前的枪击事件导致市场街和布莱尔克利夫街发生车祸;没有受伤报告。 Shots fired in front of Bellevue Towers in Harrisburg caused a car crash at Market and Briarcliff Streets; no injuries reported.
周五,在哈里斯堡,贝尔维尤塔楼前发生枪击事件,导致市场街和布莱尔克利夫街交叉口发生车祸。 In Harrisburg, shots were fired in front of Bellevue Towers on Friday, causing a car crash at the intersection of Market and Briarcliff Streets. 市政府发言人表示,其中一辆车有一个弹孔,警方证实了车祸与枪击事件之间的联系。 A city spokesperson stated that one of the vehicles had one bullet hole, and the police confirmed the connection between the car crash and shots fired. 没有人员受伤的报告,也没有逮捕任何人。 No injuries were reported, and no arrests have been made. 这是哈里斯堡警察局正在进行的调查。 This is an ongoing investigation by the Harrisburg Bureau of Police.