哈里斯堡警方正在调查国会大厦前发生的一起因路怒而致命的枪击事件。 Harrisburg police are investigating a fatal road rage-related shooting in front of the Capitol.
哈里斯堡警方正在调查周日晚上在国会大厦前发生的一起致命枪击事件,该事件导致州街暂时关闭。 Harrisburg police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in front of the Capitol on Sunday evening, leading to the temporary closure of State Street. 一名男子被发现死于枪伤,当局怀疑枪击事件可能与路怒有关。 A man was found dead with gunshot wounds, and authorities suspect the shooting may be related to road rage. 嫌疑人已被拘留,调查仍在进行中;目前该地区没有紧急危险。 The person of interest was detained, and the investigation is ongoing; no imminent danger is currently reported in the area.