希腊中部色萨利平原的洪水摧毁了数万英亩的农田,凸显了欧洲农民面临的气候变化挑战。 Flooding in central Greece's Thessaly plain destroys tens of thousands of acres of farmland, highlighting climate change challenges for European farmers.
洪水泛滥的希腊湖向欧洲农民发出气候变化挑战的警告:在希腊中部,史无前例的洪水摧毁了色萨利平原数万英亩的农田,农作物和生计遭到破坏。 Flooded Greek Lake Warns European Farmers of Climate Change Challenges: In central Greece, unprecedented flooding destroyed tens of thousands of acres of farmland in the Thessaly plain, leaving crops and livelihoods devastated. 被洪水淹没的地区仍处于水下,泵站无法运行。 Flooded areas remain underwater, with a pumping station unable to function. 与欧洲各地的农民一样,希腊农民面临气候变化和成本上升威胁的挑战和愤怒。 Greek farmers, like those across Europe, face challenges and anger from farmers under threat from climate change and rising costs.