2 月 23 日,谢尔比维尔发生建筑物倒塌,导致 East Depot Street 和 South Brittian Street 关闭。 A building collapse in Shelbyville on Feb. 23 led to the closure of East Depot Street at South Brittian Street.
2 月 23 日,谢尔比维尔发生建筑物倒塌,导致 Templeton 保险公司附近的 East Depot Street 和 South Brittian Street 关闭。 A building collapse in Shelbyville on Feb. 23 led to the closure of East Depot Street at South Brittian Street near Templeton Insurance Company. 当局敦促社区成员避开该地区并寻找替代路线,并表示将根据情况进展提供最新信息。 Authorities urged community members to avoid the area and seek alternate routes, stating that updates would be provided as the situation progresses. 目前尚未公布包括原因或受伤情况在内的更多细节。 No additional details, including cause or injuries, have been released.