前警察局长特洛伊·库珀 (Troy Cooper) 被任命为萨斯喀彻温省彼得·巴兰坦·克里民族 (Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation) 的社区安全负责人,负责解决毒品、帮派和暴力问题。 Troy Cooper, former police chief, appointed as community safety lead for Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation in Saskatchewan to tackle drug, gang, and violence issues.
特洛伊·库珀 (Troy Cooper) 是萨斯卡通市和艾伯特亲王城的前警察局长,被任命为加拿大萨斯喀彻温省彼得·巴兰坦·克里民族 (Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation) 的社区安全负责人。 Troy Cooper, former police chief of Saskatoon and Prince Albert, is appointed as the community safety lead for Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. 库珀拥有 30 多年的执法经验,他将制定安全计划,就安全问题向国家提供建议,并让社区成员参与解决安全问题。 With over 30 years of law enforcement experience, Cooper will develop safety plans, advise the nation on safety issues, and engage community members on safety concerns. 他在解决克里族八个社区的毒品、帮派和暴力问题方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 His role is crucial in addressing drug, gang, and violence issues within the eight communities that make up the Cree Nation.