艾伯塔省政府为五个Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin非盈利性社区项目提供资金。 Alberta government grants funds to five Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin non-profits for community projects.
艾伯塔省政府正在支持Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin的社区项目,向5个当地非营利组织提供资金。 The Alberta government is supporting community projects in Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin by granting funds to five local non-profit organizations. 这些赠款是通过社区设施增强方案和社区倡议方案等方案提供的,将资助各种项目,包括一个新的曲棍球俱乐部、滑冰公园和剧院照明升级。 These grants, provided through programs like the Community Facility Enhancement Program and Community Initiatives Program, will fund various projects including a new curling club, a skate park, and theatre lighting upgrades. 政府还聘请托尼·红衣主教担任第一位土著病人安全调查员和倡导者,以改善土著病人的保健。 The government also hired Tony Cardinal as the first Indigenous Patient Safety Investigator and Advocate to improve healthcare for Indigenous patients.