学校表示,着装规范可以促进纪律。 但许多黑人学生看到了种族主义的痕迹。 Schools say dress codes promote discipline. But many Black students see traces of racism.
在德克萨斯州,将进行一项审判,以确定学校是否可以继续惩罚拒绝剪头发的黑人青少年。 In Texas, a trial is set to determine if schools can continue punishing a Black teenager for refusing to cut his locs. 18 岁的学生达里尔·乔治 (Darryl George) 自学年开始以来一直被禁止上课,因为他的发型违反了学校的着装规定。 Darryl George, an 18-year-old student, has been kept out of class since the start of the school year due to his hairstyle violating the school's dress code. 虽然一些学校取消了仅限男孩的头发长度规定,但许多学区仍将头发限制写入其着装规范中。 While some schools have removed boys-only hair length rules, many districts maintain hair restrictions written into their dress codes. 倡导者认为,这些着装规范对有色人种学生的影响尤为严重,并扰乱了学习。 Advocates argue that these dress codes disproportionately affect students of color and disrupt learning.