以巴杰朗达尔为首的印度教极端分子袭击了印度中央邦的一个礼拜场所,殴打了50人并暂停了礼拜。 Hindu extremists led by Bajrang Dal attacked a worship service in Madhya Pradesh, India, beating 50 people and suspending services.
印度教极端分子袭击了印度中部中央邦的一场礼拜仪式,扰乱了礼拜仪式并殴打了包括妇女和儿童在内的 50 人。 Hindu extremists attacked a worship service in central India's Madhya Pradesh state, disrupting the service and beating 50 people, including women and children. 这群暴徒由印度教极端分子巴杰朗达尔组织成员带领,抢走了孩子们的《圣经》,并闯入贾布阿区图瓦达拉村牧师马迪亚·达莫尔的家。 The mob, led by members of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal, seized Bibles from the children and intruded into the house of Pastor Madia Damor in Thuvadara village, Jabua District. 自“六月一日”事件发生以来,礼拜仪式已暂停。 Worship services have been suspended since the June 1st incident.