“停止石油”活动人士克雷西达·格辛因造成公共滋扰罪被判有罪。 Just Stop Oil activist Cressida Gethin found guilty of causing public nuisance.
22 岁的剑桥大学音乐系学生“Just Stop Oil”活动人士克雷西达·格辛 (Cressida Gethin) 因爬上 M25 高速公路的龙门架抗议英国达到有记录以来最热的气温而造成公众滋扰,被判有罪。 Just Stop Oil activist Cressida Gethin, 22, a Cambridge University music student, has been found guilty of causing a public nuisance by climbing onto a gantry over the M25 motorway, protesting the UK reaching its hottest temperature on record. 抗议活动造成严重干扰,导致英国航空 3,923 名乘客的行程延误。 The protest caused significant disruption, delaying 3,923 British Airways passengers' journeys. 尽管格辛没有对自己参与抗议活动提出异议,但她辩称,其后果并不构成指控。 Despite not disputing her involvement in the protest, Gethin argued that the consequence did not amount to the charge. 陪审团以十比二的多数判定她有罪。 The jury found her guilty by a majority of 10 to two.