农业土壤缺钾威胁全球粮食安全。 Potassium deficiency in agricultural soils threatens global food security.
一项研究表明,全球农业土壤缺钾对全球粮食安全构成未知但潜在的严重威胁。 A study reveals that potassium deficiency in agricultural soils worldwide poses an unknown but potentially serious threat to global food security. 全球约 20% 的农业土壤缺钾,特别是在东亚、东南亚、拉丁美洲和撒哈拉以南非洲地区。 Around 20% of agricultural soils globally experience potassium deficiency, particularly in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. 这种不可持续的钾开采导致中国、印度和澳大利亚南部等国家出现钾短缺。 This unsustainable potassium mining has led to potassium shortages in countries such as China, India, and Southern Australia. 该研究建议采取六项有针对性的行动来解决钾缺乏问题,保护农业免受冲击,并最大限度地减少环境影响,包括更好的钾管理和强有力的政府间协调机制。 The study suggests six targeted actions to address potassium deficiencies, protect agriculture from shocks, and minimize environmental impacts, including better potassium management and a robust intergovernmental coordination mechanism.