派恩维尔 Atrium Health 医院的管道泄漏导致洪水,导致患者重新安置,手术被迫取消。 Plumbing leak at Atrium Health Pineville causes flooding, relocates patients, cancels surgeries.
派恩维尔中庭健康中心 4 楼的管道泄漏导致洪水,导致患者在医院内转移,一些重症监护患者转移到附近的设施。 A plumbing leak on the 4th floor of Atrium Health Pineville led to flooding, causing patients to be relocated within the hospital and some critical care patients moved to nearby facilities. 计划于周四进行的所有择期手术均已取消,并已通知患者。 All elective surgeries scheduled for Thursday have been canceled, and patients are being notified. 医院感谢工作人员为确保患者舒适和安全所做的努力。 The hospital thanked its staff for their efforts in ensuring patient comfort and safety.