一名美俄双重公民在俄罗斯被捕。 A US-Russian dual citizen was arrested in Russia.
俄罗斯以叛国罪逮捕了一名美俄双重公民,罪名是涉嫌代表乌克兰军队筹集资金。 Russia has arrested a US-Russian dual citizen on treason charges for allegedly raising funds on behalf of Ukraine's army. 据俄罗斯新闻专线报道,俄罗斯联邦安全局安全部门表示,该女子居住在洛杉矶,为一个乌克兰团体组织筹款活动,该团体将资金用于购买医疗用品、设备、武器和弹药。 The FSB security service stated that the woman lived in Los Angeles and organized fundraisers for a Ukrainian group that spent the money on medical supplies, equipment, weapons, and ammunition, as per Russian newswires. 这名33岁的女子首先在俄罗斯中部乌拉尔地区叶卡捷琳堡的一家电影院外被捕,并被拒绝保释。 The 33-year-old woman was first arrested outside a cinema in Ekaterinburg, Russia's central Ural region, and denied bail.