Tustin Legacy 购物中心的 Village 自制烟花爆炸后,一名人员被拘留;没有受伤或损坏。 One person detained after homemade firework explosion at Village at Tustin Legacy shopping center; no injuries or damage.
Tustin Legacy 购物中心的 Village 自制烟花爆炸后,一人被拘留,目前没有人员伤亡或财产损失的报告。 One person was detained after a homemade firework exploded at the Village at Tustin Legacy shopping center, with no injuries or damage reported. 作为预防措施,奥兰治县治安部门拆弹小组做出了回应,但该事件似乎是孤立的。 The Orange County Sheriff's Department bomb squad responded as a precaution, but the incident appears to be isolated.