在明尼阿波利斯地区的对峙中,一名卷入监护权纠纷的男子枪杀了两名警察。 Man involved in custody dispute fatally shot 2 police officers in Minneapolis-area standoff.
一名名叫香农·古登(Shannon Gooden)的男子在法律上不允许持枪,他在明尼阿波利斯郊区伯恩斯维尔开枪打死了两名警察和一名消防员。 A man named Shannon Gooden, who was not legally allowed to have guns, shot and killed two police officers and a firefighter in Burnsville, a suburb of Minneapolis. 这起事件发生在警方接到古登家中的家庭骚乱电话后,古登和七名 2 至 15 岁的儿童将自己锁在家里。 The incident occurred after police responded to a domestic disturbance call at Gooden's home, where he had barricaded himself along with seven children aged 2 to 15. 古登因其三个最大的孩子的监护权和经济支持而陷入长期争议。 Gooden was involved in a long-standing dispute over his three oldest children's custody and financial support. 几小时后,他被发现死在家中。 He was found dead inside his home hours later.