警察在劳德代尔堡心理健康危机中开枪打死了一名21岁的男子。 Police shot and killed a 21-year-old man during a mental health crisis in Fort Lauderdale.
在劳德代尔堡,一名21岁男子在心理健康危机中被警察开枪打死,后死亡。 In Fort Lauderdale, a 21-year-old man died after being shot by police during a mental health crisis. 军官对一名男子携带武器的住宅作出反应,无视放下武器的命令。 Officers responded to a home where the man was armed and ignored commands to drop his weapon. 佛罗里达州执法部门正在调查这一事件,该事件发生在包括一名儿童在内的其他居住者家中。 The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is investigating the incident, which occurred in a home with other occupants, including a child. 该男子被送往医院,但后来因伤而死亡。 The man was taken to a hospital but later died from his injuries.