警方在东波特兰的布伦特伍德-达林顿社区对威胁作出反应后,开枪打死一名武装人员。 Police shot and killed an armed man in Southeast Portland's Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood after responding to threats.
警方在报道威胁后在波特兰东南部的布伦特伍德-达林顿社区开枪杀死一名持弹气步枪和刀具的男子. Early Friday, police shot and killed a man armed with a pellet air rifle and knife in Southeast Portland's Brentwood-Darlington neighborhood after responding to reports of threats. 尽管试图谈判,一名军官于凌晨1时22分开枪。 Despite attempts to negotiate, an officer fired at 1:22 a.m. 死者在现场死亡。 The man died at the scene. 这一事件恰逢北波特兰一家大麻店发生双重杀人案,使本年度潜在的杀人案数达到58起。 This incident coincided with a double homicide at a cannabis store in North Portland, bringing the potential homicide count for the year to 58. 涉案官员正在休带薪假。 The involved officer is on paid leave.