白宫谴责针对穆斯林司法候选人的仇视伊斯兰教的攻击。 White House condemns Islamophobic attacks on Muslim judicial nominee.
白宫指责三名共和党参议员对拜登司法提名人进行残忍和仇视伊斯兰的攻击,作为抹黑他名誉的一部分。 The White House has accused three Republican senators of leveling cruel and Islamophobic attacks against a Biden judicial nominee as part of a smear effort to discredit him. 如果获得提名,阿德尔·曼吉(Adeel Mangi)将成为第一位在联邦上诉法院任职的穆斯林美国法官。 The nominee, Adeel Mangi, would be the first Muslim American judge to serve on the federal appeals court if confirmed. 白宫批评了桑斯。 The White House has criticized Sens. 特德·克鲁兹、乔什·霍利和汤姆·科顿在曼吉确认听证会上就他对以色列哈马斯领导的恐怖袭击的看法提出了“恶意”质询。 Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton for a "malicious" line of questioning during Mangi's confirmation hearing about his views on a Hamas-led terrorist attack in Israel.