Eeel Mangi退出联邦上诉法院的提名,指控参议员有反穆斯林偏见。 Adeel Mangi withdrew from federal appeals court nomination, accusing senators of anti-Muslim bias.
第一位被提名参加联邦上诉法院的穆斯林Adeel Mangi撤回提名,指控参议员进行带有偏见的诽谤运动。 Adeel Mangi, the first Muslim nominated for a federal appeals court, withdrew his nomination, accusing senators of a biased smear campaign. 共和党人反对他的任命,质疑他对以色列和9/11的看法,而Mangi则声称,检查是由于反穆斯林的偏见。 Republicans opposed his appointment, questioning his views on Israel and 9/11, while Mangi claimed the scrutiny was due to anti-Muslim bias. 他退出后,参议院达成协议,进一步阻止了巡回法院的确认工作。 His withdrawal follows a Senate deal that stalled further circuit court confirmations. Mangi批评了确认程序,说这可能使合格的个人不愿担任公职。 Mangi criticized the confirmation process, saying it could discourage qualified individuals from public service.