《生理学杂志》上的一项新研究将年轻男性使用合成代谢类固醇与心房颤动(一种心脏病)的风险增加联系起来。 A new study in the Journal of Physiology links anabolic steroid use in young men to increased risk of atrial fibrillation, a heart condition.
发表在《生理学杂志》上的一项新研究发现,使用模拟睾酮在人体内作用的合成代谢类固醇可能会增加患心房颤动的心脏病的风险。 A new study published in the Journal of Physiology has found that using anabolic steroids, which mimic testosterone's effects in the human body, may raise the risk of a heart condition called atrial fibrillation. 这些激素通常被年轻人误用于增强肌肉,但会增加遗传上易患心脏病的个体患心房颤动的风险。 These hormones, commonly misused for muscle building among young men, can increase the risk of atrial fibrillation in individuals genetically predisposed to heart diseases. 该研究的主要作者劳拉·索末菲博士强调需要了解合成代谢类固醇滥用对年轻男性心脏健康的影响。 The study's lead author, Dr. Laura Sommerfeld, emphasizes the need to understand the impact of anabolic steroid misuse on young men's heart health.