猛龙队受雇巡逻北岸垃圾场。 Raptors employed to patrol North Shore dump.
作为害虫管理策略的一部分,猛禽队,包括八岁的哈里斯鹰波基托,一直在大温哥华地区的北岸回收和废物中心巡逻。 Raptors, including the eight-year-old Harris's Hawk named Poquito, have been patrolling the North Shore Recycling and Waste Centre in Metro Vancouver as part of a pest management strategy. 用于驯服和训练这些猛禽的猎鹰艺术可以追溯到数千年前。 The art of falconry, used to tame and train these birds of prey, dates back thousands of years. 波基托和他的猛禽同伴帮助海鸥和其他讨厌的鸟类远离这些设施,防止它们干扰运营并可能造成健康和安全风险。 Poquito and his fellow raptors help keep seagulls and other nuisance birds away from the facilities, preventing them from interfering with operations and potentially creating health and safety risks.