Zen Internet 通过 CityFibre 网络向英国城市的远程工作人员和房主提供全光纤宽带,解决客户对合同中期价格上涨和服务问题的不满。 Zen Internet offers full-fibre broadband via CityFibre's network to remote workers and homeowners in UK cities, addressing customer dissatisfaction with mid-contract price rises and service issues.
英国各个城市(包括莱斯特、考文垂、诺丁汉、纽卡斯尔和剑桥)的远程工作人员和房主现在可以通过 CityFibre 网络提供的 Zen Internet 访问全光纤宽带。 Remote workers and homeowners across various UK cities, including Leicester, Coventry, Nottingham, Newcastle, and Cambridge, are now able to access full-fibre broadband through Zen Internet offered via CityFibre's network. 这种快速、可靠和固定价格的服务是在用户对合同中间价格上涨感到不满并感到受欺骗、愤怒和沮丧的时候出现的。 The availability of this fast, reliable, and fixed-price service comes at a time when users are dissatisfied with mid-contract price rises and feel deceived, angry, and frustrated.