新墨西哥州Los Alamos县为社区拥有的高速互联网启动了50.9M项目。 Los Alamos County, New Mexico, launches $50.9M project for community-owned high-speed internet.
新墨西哥州Los Alamos县正在与Bonfire基础设施集团合作,建立一个5 090万美元的社区宽带网络。 Los Alamos County, New Mexico, is partnering with Bonfire Infrastructure Group to build a $50.9 million Community Broadband Network. 这个纤维到房地项目将为每个家庭和企业提供高速、廉价的互联网,旨在弥合数字鸿沟,增加教育、保健和远程工作的机会。 This fiber-to-the-premises project will provide high-speed, affordable internet to every home and business, aiming to bridge the digital divide and enhance opportunities in education, healthcare, and remote work. 开放准入模式促进社区所有权和竞争,可能会为其他社区开创先例。 The open-access model promotes community ownership and competition, potentially setting a precedent for other communities.