威斯康星州参议员克里斯·拉尔森 (Chris Larson) 重新提出立法,要求所有 OWI 被定罪的司机安装酒精检测点火联锁装置,现在也适用于初犯。 Wisconsin Senator Chris Larson reintroduces legislation for all OWI convicted drivers to install alcohol-detecting ignition interlock devices, now applying to first-time offenders as well.
威斯康星州参议员克里斯·拉尔森 (Chris Larson) 重新提出立法,要求所有因酒后驾车 (OWI) 被定罪的司机在其车辆上安装酒精检测点火联锁装置。 Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson has reintroduced legislation that would require all drivers convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) to install alcohol-detecting ignition interlock devices in their vehicles. 目前,此要求仅适用于某些情况。 Currently, this requirement only applies to some circumstances. 该法案旨在减少该州酒后驾驶,已由拉森第七次提出。 The bill aims to reduce drunk driving in the state and has been introduced by Larson for the seventh time. 如果通过,初次违反 OWI 规定的人也将受到点火联锁要求的约束。 If passed, first-time OWI offenders would also be subject to the ignition interlock requirement.