NTSB在2026年推动美国新车的酒精检测系统 来减少酒后驾车死亡。 NTSB pushes for alcohol detection systems in new U.S. cars by 2026 to cut drunk driving deaths.
国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)正在倡导在2026年之前为新的美国车辆配备被动酒精检测系统。 The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is advocating for new U.S. vehicles to be equipped with passive alcohol detection systems by 2026. 目前正在开发的这些系统将通过触摸或呼吸测量血液酒精含量,防止车辆在驾驶员受损时启动。 These systems, currently in development, will measure blood alcohol levels through touch or breath and prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver is impaired. 目标是减少与酒精有关的驾驶死亡人数,2022年共有13 524人死亡。 The goal is to reduce alcohol-related driving fatalities, which totaled 13,524 in 2022. 虽然一些法律团体提出了隐私问题,但图瓦卢广播电视公司和汽车制造商正在努力确保这些系统对清醒的驾驶员来说是可靠和不受侵扰的。 While some legal groups have raised privacy concerns, the NTSBA and automakers are working to ensure the systems are reliable and unobtrusive for sober drivers.