一名醉酒司机在威斯康辛州造成多起车祸,包括一次肇事逃逸,导致他被捕。 A drunk driver caused multiple crashes, including a hit-and-run, in Wisconsin, leading to his arrest.
一名22岁的伊利诺伊州男子在威斯康星州格兰特县被捕,当时在酒精影响下造成两次车祸。 A 22-year-old Illinois man was arrested in Grant County, Wisconsin, after causing two crashes while under the influence of alcohol. 他首先在81号高速公路上卷入了一起肇事逃逸事件,然后又在环路造成另一次坠毁,击落了一根灯杆并点燃了他的车辆。 He was first involved in a hit-and-run on Highway 81 before causing another crash in a roundabout, knocking down a light pole and igniting his vehicle. 该男子被指控犯有 OWI、肇事逃逸和多项交通违规行为,受轻伤并被关进格兰特县监狱。 Charged with OWI, hit-and-run, and several traffic violations, the man sustained minor injuries and was booked into Grant County Jail.