皇家邮政新邮票庆祝英国的维京历史。 Royal Mail new stamps celebrate Viking history in Britain.
皇家邮政发行了一套新邮票,以探讨维京人对英国的影响。 Royal Mail has issued a new set of stamps to examine the impact of the Vikings on Britain. 这八枚邮票以维京文物和英国各地的重要地点为特色,包括一把铁剑、银剑和铜剑、一枚在约克铸造的银便士,以及来自格拉斯哥戈万奥尔德的霍格巴克墓碑。 The eight stamps feature Viking artefacts and significant locations from around the UK, including an iron, silver, and copper sword, a silver penny minted in York, and a Hogback gravestone from Govan Old, Glasgow. 该邮票的发行还标志着约克约维克维京中心开业 40 周年,该中心自 1984 年以来已接待了超过 2000 万游客。 The release of the stamps also marks 40 years since the opening of the Jorvik Viking Centre in York, which has had over 20 million visitors since 1984.