由于马丁路和米尔斯路的污水管道断裂,导致企业倒闭并影响安装,红石阿森纳员工建议进行远程办公。 Redstone Arsenal employees advised to telework due to sewage line break on Martin and Mills Roads, causing business closures and impacting installation.
由于污水管道断裂,阿拉巴马州的军事设施红石兵工厂已敦促员工在 2 月 16 日星期五进行远程办公。 Redstone Arsenal, a military installation in Alabama, has urged employees to telework on Friday, February 16, due to a sewage line break. 中断范围扩大并影响了大部分设施,领导者鼓励工人远程办公,以防止更多污水进入管道并导致建筑物倒流。 The break has expanded and affected most of the installation, and leaders are encouraging workers to telework to prevent further sewage from entering the pipes and causing backups into buildings. 米尔斯路的儿童发展中心已关闭,而戈斯路的儿童发展中心将继续开放。 The Child Development Center on Mills Road is closed, while the one on Goss Road will remain open. 住房区域没有受到影响,关闭的持续时间目前未知。 The housing areas are not impacted, and the duration of the closure is currently unknown.