Redstone Arsenal收紧安保, 停止面部识别, 面对国家威胁增加。 Redstone Arsenal tightens security, suspends facial recognition, amid increased national threats.
Redstone Arsenal在美国最近遭到袭击后,已经实施了更严格的安全措施。 Redstone Arsenal has implemented stricter security measures following recent attacks in the US. " 面部识别和受托旅行者方案 " 暂时暂停。 Facial Recognition and the Trusted Traveler Program are temporarily suspended. 所有进入基地的个人现在必须出示身份证,如果没有身份证,必须前往9号门的访客控制中心。 All individuals entering the base must now show an agency ID, or visit the Visitor Control Center at Gate 9 if they do not have one. 通讯员应预期延误,并被建议报告任何可疑活动。 Commuters should expect delays and are advised to report any suspicious activity.