默多家族在南卡罗来纳州艾兰斯顿占地 21 英亩的摩泽尔庄园 (Moselle Estate) 以 100 万美元的价格卖给了一位计划改建马场的匿名外地买家。 The Moselle Estate, Murdaugh family's 21-acre Islandton, SC property, sold for $1M to an anonymous out-of-town buyer who plans a horse farm conversion.
默多家族曾经拥有的摩泽尔庄园经过为期一周的拍卖,以 100 万美元的价格售出。 The Moselle Estate, once owned by the Murdaugh family, has been sold for $1 million after a week-long auction. 该地产位于南卡罗来纳州艾兰斯顿,占地 21 英亩,将由一位不愿透露姓名的外地买家改建为马场。 The property, which spans 21 acres in Islandton, South Carolina, will be converted into a horse farm by an out-of-town buyer who wishes to remain anonymous. 买家在南卡罗来纳州设有多个业务办事处,对该地区很熟悉。 The buyer has multiple business offices in South Carolina and is familiar with the area.