联邦选举调查后,前自由国家党候选人出庭。 Former LNP candidate in court after federal election probe.
2020 年联邦选举前自由国家党候选人维维安·拉凯什·洛博 (Vivian Rakesh Lobo) 最近在布里斯班地方法院出庭,面临故意向澳大利亚选举委员会提供有关其居住地址的虚假信息的指控。 Vivian Rakesh Lobo, a former Liberal National Party candidate in the 2020 federal election, recently appeared in Brisbane Magistrates Court, facing allegations of knowingly providing false information regarding his residential address to the Australian Electoral Commission. Lobo 已被提出四项指控,如果罪名成立,最高可判处 12 个月监禁。 Four charges have been brought against Lobo, with a maximum penalty of 12 months in prison if found guilty. 此案源于联邦警方的一项调查,该调查是由澳大利亚选举委员会转介引发的,该委员会对洛博的登记和候选人提名表格上的地址详细信息的真实性表示担忧。 The case arose from a federal police investigation that was triggered by a referral from the Australian Electoral Commission, which had concerns about the authenticity of Lobo’s address details on his enrollment and candidate nomination forms.