在发现无数重复的邮政投票后,维多利亚州的选举结果受到监督。 Victorian election results under scrutiny after discovery of numerous duplicate postal votes.
维多利亚选举委员会在发现许多重复投票后, 正在调查墨尔本两届理事会选举中可能的邮政投票舞弊事件。 The Victorian Electoral Commission is investigating potential postal vote tampering in two Melbourne council elections after detecting numerous duplicate votes. 委员会已将这一问题提交维多利亚民事和行政法庭以及维多利亚警察局,因为大量可疑选票可能影响选举结果。 The Commission has referred the issue to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Victoria Police, as the high number of suspicious votes could have impacted the election outcomes. 独立选举委员会在将此事提交法庭之前,宣布了选举结果。 The VEC declared the election results before referring the matter to the Tribunal.