委员会拒绝对涉及严重不当行为的芝加哥警察局官员进行仲裁。 Council rejects arbitration for Chicago Police Department officers involved in serious misconduct.
芝加哥市议会以 32 票对 18 票否决了仲裁员的裁决,该裁决允许被指控犯有严重不当行为的芝加哥警察使用仲裁员而不是警察局。 The Chicago City Council has rejected, in a 32-18 vote, an arbitrator's ruling that would have allowed Chicago Police officers accused of serious wrongdoing to use an arbitrator instead of the Police Board. 这一决定可能会将此事发回巡回法院法官迈克尔·马伦(Michael Mullen),他将需要决定是否允许被建议解雇的官员参与向其他伊利诺伊州政府雇员开放的仲裁程序。 This decision is likely to send the matter back to Circuit Court Judge Michael Mullen, who will need to decide whether officers recommended for firing will be allowed to access the arbitration process open to other Illinois governmental employees. 这场纠纷是一场更大范围的警察问责斗争的一部分,可能会导致市议会和警察局之间的摊牌。 The dispute is a part of a larger fight for police accountability and may lead to a showdown between the City Council and the Police Department.