警方撤销了对保守党议员安德鲁·罗辛德尔(Andrew Rosindell)强奸案的调查。 Police dropped rape investigation into Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell.
在彻底调查发现证据不足以起诉后,警方放弃了对保守党议员安德鲁·罗辛德尔(Andrew Rosindell)的强奸调查。 The police have dropped a rape investigation into Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell after a thorough investigation found insufficient evidence to prosecute. 罗姆福德议员罗辛德尔于 2022 年 5 月因涉嫌强奸、性侵犯和公职行为不当而被捕。 Rosindell, the MP for Romford, was arrested in May 2022 on suspicion of rape, sexual assault, and misconduct in a public office. 尽管遭到逮捕和调查,罗辛德尔仍然担任罗姆福德的议员,并同意应保守党首席鞭子的要求远离议会。 Despite the arrest and investigation, Rosindell remained as Romford's MP and agreed to stay away from Parliament upon request by the Conservative chief whip. 罗辛德尔再次被选为保守党在罗姆福德参加下届大选。 Rosindell has been re-selected to fight the next general election for the Tories in Romford.