前英国国会议员Ivor Caplin因涉嫌企图与一名15岁青少年发生性关系而被捕。 Former UK MP Ivor Caplin arrested on suspicion of attempting to meet a 15-year-old for sex.
前英国劳工议员Ivor Caplin在Brighton被捕, 罪名是涉嫌与儿童发生性关系, Former UK Labour MP Ivor Caplin was arrested in Brighton on suspicion of engaging in sexual communication with a child, following a sting operation by online "paedophile hunters." 1997年至2005年担任Hove议员的这名66岁少年据称试图安排与一名15岁少年的会晤。 The 66-year-old, who served as MP for Hove from 1997 to 2005, allegedly attempted to arrange a meeting with a 15-year-old. Caplin否认这些指控。 Caplin denies the allegations. 作为正在进行的调查的一部分,苏塞克斯警察证实了逮捕行动。 Sussex Police confirmed the arrest as part of an ongoing investigation.