印度和秘鲁在利马举行第六轮贸易协定谈判,旨在促进双边贸易和投资增长。 India and Peru advance trade agreement negotiations in 6th round of talks in Lima, aiming for bilateral trade and investment growth.
印度和秘鲁的贸易协定谈判取得进展,第六轮谈判于2月12日至14日在利马举行。 India and Peru's trade agreement negotiations gained momentum with the sixth round of talks taking place in Lima from February 12 to 14. 该谈判于2017年开始,旨在促进两国之间的双边贸易和投资。 The negotiations, which began in 2017, aim to promote bilateral trade and investments between the two countries. 下一轮谈判预计将于四月开始。 The next round of negotiations is expected to begin in April. 在最近一轮中,九个工作组举行了面对面会议,涵盖货物贸易、原产地规则、服务贸易、海关程序和贸易便利化等主题。 In the most recent round, nine working groups held in-person meetings covering topics such as trade in goods, rules of origin, trade in services, customs procedures, and trade facilitation, among others.