德里高等法院成立专家委员会以改善德里的卫生基础设施。 Delhi High Court constitutes expert committee to improve Delhi's health infrastructure.
德里高等法院成立了一个由六名成员组成的专家委员会,重点关注提高德里政府医院以及德里市政公司运营的医院的资源效率。 The Delhi High Court has established a six-member expert committee to focus on improving the efficiency of resources at Delhi government hospitals as well as those run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. 该委员会由 ILBS 校长 S.K. 领导。 The committee, led by ILBS chancellor S.K. 沙林已被指示就紧急情况患者 ICU 床位的可用性和可及性等问题提供具体和具体的建议。 Sarin, has been instructed to provide specific and concrete recommendations on issues such as the availability and accessibility of ICU beds for emergency cases patients. 法院承认该市医院基础设施不足,包括缺乏 CT 扫描机器和人力。 The court has acknowledged the city's hospitals' inadequate infrastructure, including a shortage of CT scan machines and manpower. 该委员会的任务是调查医院不收治患者的情况,这会导致缺乏医疗护理和悲剧性后果。 The committee will be tasked with looking into non-admission of patients at hospitals, which leads to a lack of medical attention and tragic consequences. 法院设定了专家组提交报告的最后期限为四个星期,并安排下一次听证会于 4 月 1 日举行。 The court has set a deadline of four weeks for the panel to submit its report and has scheduled the next hearing for April 1.