维多利亚州政府计划再投资1.5美元给医院, 重点是改善当地医疗及促进更牢固的伙伴关系。 Victoria's government plans to invest an additional $1.5bn into hospitals, focusing on improving local healthcare and promoting stronger partnerships.
维多利亚州政府计划向医院再投资1.5美元, Victoria's government plans to invest an additional $1.5bn into hospitals, following the $8.8bn already allocated in the budget. 这笔资金旨在改善护理的提供,并继续提供数量创纪录的选修手术。 This funding aims to improve care delivery and continue a record number of elective surgeries. 政府接受了专家咨询委员会提出的27项建议中的26项建议,这些建议是作为其保健服务计划的一部分提出的,重点是改善地方保健和促进加强医院之间的伙伴关系。 The government has accepted 26 out of 27 recommendations proposed by the Expert Advisory Committee as part of its Health Services Plan, focusing on improving local healthcare and promoting stronger partnerships between hospitals. 新计划将把公共卫生服务按地理划分分为11个地方网络,医院共同努力,在每个区域提供更好的护理和支助人员。 The new plan will see public health services grouped into 11 local networks, based on geography, with hospitals working together to deliver better care and support staff across each region.